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December 28, 2010

Okay, Christians. Reality Check.


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Comment #1 by Muadib

Wow Chris, that was a very well thought out dis to we Christians! Actually, I agree with most of what you said. Some so-called "Christians" are quick to judge others when it suits their need, but are slow to point that high and mighty finger at themselves.
Perhaps we should all spend less time focused on others short-comings and start working on ourselves. That is exactly what I have been doing latley, and it aint no easy task.
As I said, I agree with MOST of what you said...When this great country of ours was founded, it was as a Christian Nation. Granted, in recent years that has changed. Whether good or bad, our government has seen fit to remove any religous conotation from its body. Personally, I think that weakens America. I understand that we have freedom of religeon and anybody is free to practice any faith they wish, however, this country is PREDOMINATLEY Christian. Our overseas adversaries would never seperate Islam from thier government, and thats probably the one thing I would agree with them on.
At any rate, we as Christians should heed the things Mr. Curzio has so eloquently pointed out. I for one was enlightened and refreshed by his observances and will try to remember them when it matters.

(31-DEC-10 - 21:48 EST)

Comment #2 by Muadib

Ok, consider me schooled. Shortley after reading my post, Accipiter himself lit my phone up with all kinds of "you are wrong" facts. Turns out America is not now, nor ever has been a Christian nation. That was the point , in fact.
Next time Ill check my facts prior to posting anything on our resident genius' site.
Stay overly-smart my friend

P.S. dont check the stupid box below

(31-DEC-10 - 22:55 EST)

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